Jay Austin Brandenburg-Nau describes the best psychotherapy interventions

Being a well-known therapist, Jay Austin Brandenburg-Nau grew up listening to mental health therapist radio talk shows. He pursued his master’s degree from Denver Seminar in 2010 and now currently works as a youth pastor.

Here, Jay Austin Brandenburg-Nau shares his insight on the best psychotherapy interventions; while different psychotherapy interventions can be useful for different people and for different disorders, jotted down are the best-proven psychotherapy interventions out there.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic psychotherapy, and supportive psychotherapy are the three psychotherapy treatment plans which have been described as empirically supported treatments (ESTs)” says Jay Austin Brandenburg-Nau. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps you identify unhealthy, negative beliefs and behaviors; replace them with healthy and positive ones. Psychodynamic psychotherapy helps to increase your awareness of unconscious thoughts and behaviors and resolving conflicts while supportive psychotherapy reinforces your ability to cope with stress and difficult situations.

Psychotherapy incorporating aspects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) has been shown to be effective for reducing symptoms of stress. According to Jay Austin Brandenburg-Nau, it aims to help you develop the ability to cope more effectively with both short-term and long-term stressful situations. This is an interesting fact because mindfulness and the teachings of MBSR can easily be incorporated into traditional psychotherapy” he says.

Moreover, short-term psychodynamic therapy with mentalization-based therapy (STMBP) has been shown to be an effective treatment for a major depressive disorder (MDD). MBT aims to help people to differentiate and separate out their own thoughts and feelings from those around them” comments Jay Austin Brandenburg-Nau. The psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy has been shown to be effective in reducing stress and anxiety symptoms in cancer patients. It only consists of a single session as compared to other psychotherapy; though that session may be a bit longer along with a multi-session treatment plan.

Jay Austin Brandenburg-Nau adds on “interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) has been shown to reduce depressive symptoms in adolescents. It mainly focuses on addressing problems with your current relationships with other people to improve your interpersonal skills”. The cognitive hypnotherapy (CH) has been shown to be effective in treating anger issues. “CH is an integration of hypnosis with CBT, “he says that initially arose as a way to use hypnosis to treat depression. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) has been shown to be effective for reducing suicidal ideation as well as depression and anxiety symptoms in combat veterans” says Jay Austin Brandenburg-Nau. It is a type of CBT that teaches behavioral skills to help you handle stress, manage your emotions and improve your relationships with others.